We think our towels are just delightful!
Here at Delightful Towels, we strive to make a great product that will put a smile on your face! Here are some of the reasons we think our towels are great!
- We start with a great towel! It is 100% cotton, soft, lint-free, and absorbant, but thicker and less wrinkly than others we have tried! (And we tried a lot before choosing this one!)
- We add delightful designs! We are always thinking of new fun designs for our towels and adding to our lines.
- We are also delighted to create custom designs for you!
- Our designs will not fade in the wash.
- Speaking of the wash, you can actually USE our towels without fear of ruining them!
- We use these towels extensively in our home with 4 children, 2 dogs, countless farm animals and a husband with no respect for decorative towels and they still wash up great! You can even use a little bleach in the load if you need to whiten them after use!
- Our towels are highly “giftable” and you can find a design for almost every personality in our shop!

You can feel good about supporting our business.
You have lots of options on where to spend your money, so here are some reasons you can feel good about shopping with Delightful Towels!
- We are a family run business.
- We believe in customer service.
- Our shipping is fast and affordable.
- We offer free shipping on orders $35 and up! (Excluding t-shirts, which ship directly from the printer.)
- We are grateful for each order we receive.
- We strive to spread positivity in our community and the world through our stickers*, bumper stickers*, t-shirts, and most importantly how we treat others. (*coming soon!)

Our towels may be delightful, but so are our customers! Thank you for supporting our dreams!