Help us spread the word!
We think it is just delightful when someone tells a friend about our products! We are looking to hire brand ambassadors to do just that for us! Being a Brand Ambassador for Delightful Towels means that you will help spread the word about our products to your audience, whether that is your friends and family at the church potluck or to your millions of followers on Instagram. In exchange, you will receive a monthly commission on products sold, a coupon code to share with your audience, and a few promotional goodies to help get you started!

You can read about the Brand Ambassador Terms & Conditions here.
Fill out the form below to apply to become a Brand Ambassador!
What’s Next?
We will review your application and if we think you are a good fit, we will send you registration link. We are looking for a wide range of people for the Brand Ambassador role, but please don’t apply if:
- You are a jerk.
- You are a robot.
- You don’t plan to share our products with the world.
If you are still on the fence, you are welcome to email me questions at